Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our summer trip that followed the fruits

This summer has been a fantastic one! Rusty and I have been able to go on two trips that were jam-packed with visits, fun, and good food. Since we've been growing our best garden yet this year, we've been noticing the fresh fruits in their season, and how different fruits thrive in different climates. When we went to Southern California for a close friend's wedding, we stopped at a local fruit stand and loaded up on honey, plums, apples, avocadoes, grapefruits, and especially oranges. Or-an-ges (I'm saying that with a drawn-out voice, slow like when I savor the fruit)! They are one of our favorite fruits!

So we had oranges in So Cal, peaches in Utah, and blackberries back in Oregon! Plus, there were fresh breads and cookies! OH BOY! I guess we found yet another reason to love summer!

Here's what we see traveling through central California ---> It is a sight we've become very familiar with and that we love!