Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Been Too Long, but Here We Go!

Hello, friends and family!  I decided it's time to start blogging again.  What?  I never was a blogger?  Oh, be quiet.  So I'm trying!  It will be a fun challenge!

To catch up since 2009 (THREE YEARS!), a LOT has happened!

Rusty had been bank manager at Wells Fargo for a few years and is now an insurance agent at Country Financial -- not to be confused with Countrywide.  His office is in Roseburg, just a hop, skip, and jump away from his dad's house, so he visits his dad on most lunch breaks.

Rusty's dad is battling prostate cancer that has metastasized to his bones.  He also has a number of other issues, so it has been quite a challenge for him and all of us.  We are praying and trying our best to keep positive and moving forward!

I taught kindergarten at Sutherlin Schools for about six years and am now in my third year teaching English as a Second Language.  I taught half-time for the first two years and now am a little over half time teaching grades K through 12!  I teach THIRTEEN grades!  J/K.  I only have seventeen students.  And I love it!  And I love them!

The move from teaching kindergarten full-time down to half-time because 2009-2010 was a (school) year of miracles!  Rusty and I decided not to put all of our eggs in one basket when it comes to trying to be parents, and we decided to be foster parents.  AT THE SAME TIME, a wonderful little boy named Thomas was just starting kindergarten and his amazing foster mama at the time decided to put him in my class.  Her name is Kim and we've known each other for about five years, with her helping in my class occasionally.  She is a super woman whom I admire so much!  Well, as the year went on, miracle after miracle happened.  This little boy became available for adoption, and we asked Kim permission to pursue him.  So I became very aggressive -- no -- forthcoming and noticeable when I'd find reasons to call the case workers and adoption workers.  We were wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' (and fastin') that we would get this sweet little boy.  One day in winter, I thought, "If we get him, he's already five years old.  We need to start working on number two!" because of the age difference.  Ring the miracle bell!  We learned through Kim that birth mom was pregnant!  WOW.  We couldn't get too excited, but we kept it in the back of our minds: "What if?!"

In February, 2010, we got a call from social workers!  They had a six-week old baby girl who needed a home.  We didn't even have a crib!  But we accepted.  Baby H was the sweetest, most beautiful thing we'd laid eyes on besides our niece and nephew when they were born.  We also learned that Thomas' birth mom had a baby boy in February as well! 

A few weeks after Baby H came, we got another call that Thomas would be coming to live with us!  That was after months and months of prayers and fasting!  He came on March 1.  Rusty happened to be out of town for work that night so it was just Thomas and I.  Luckily we knew each other from class.  We were both big-eyed and excited (for different reasons) as we went through the nighttime routines.  When I tucked him into bed (we did have a bed already, at least), he suddenly looked at me with a look that said, "Oh. My. Gosh.  My life is very different now."  Yes it was!  It was good in many ways, and if you can understand where he was coming from, it was so different that it was not a happy thing.  His little life had been changed so much in five years!  But it was a step toward a marvelous journey on an unknown path.

On weekends, the case workers asked if we'd like to take the baby brother, Joshua, to stay at our house so we could let Thomas and him get to know each other.  WOULD WE?!  YES!  With two babies in the house and a new five-year-old, those were some fast, sleepless, amazing, blessed weekends!  PHEW! 

Rusty and Baby H. Darling! The adoption worker commented, "What were they thinking putting an infant with a couple with no other kids?!" referring to our head-over-heels-in-love reaction to a sweet baby.  Well, Heavenly Father had some influence there, I'm sure!

Baby H, Rusty, and Thomas
Look how little they all are!  So young!  :)
Sorry it's sideways but that's little Joshua, whom we nicknamed "Peanut" cuz he was so little and fragile, and Baby H.  Luckily they were sleeping at the same time!
On March 21, I think it was, the new baby, Joshua, came to stay!  It was Spring Break.  We were running on adrenaline, yet realizing the hand of God in our lives -- all of ours.  My parents and my brother and sister-in-law, Chris and Jenelle, were there every step of the way because we didn't know what we were doing AT ALL!  But it was wonderful.  Thank you to all of them, and the tremendous support from people at work and church.  They gave us the necessary items to function and helped -- and still help -- us with parenting advice.  We still are learning!  Always will be!

At the end of Spring Break, Baby H went home to her mother.  It was  a bittersweet day for us because she is such a sweet thing.  Normally in foster situations, birth families might not be so stable or give good effort, but we were in contact with birth mama and knew third party sources that this girl was doing her absolute best!  She was even featured in the paper a few weeks later for her efforts and progress in a special home for mothers like her.  We were assured that Baby H was going to the right place and that she would be well-taken care of.  I still cried my heart out.  The love that grows for babies comes quick and strong!  We still see her every once in a while!  She's grown into a darling little 2 1/2-year-old!  *sigh*

I can't even remember each little miracle that happened during these months, but I am so grateful for them!  We were both working full-time and taking care of a little baby and new boy in our home!  There was -- and is -- much to learn for all of us.  I was able to take a six-week maternity leave, which was fabulous.  I can't believe how time goes by and how precious each moment is.  I had a wonderful parent who is a certified teacher take over my class, so it was reassuring to know that our kiddos were in excellent hands.  Thomas was quickly becoming "our son"!

 This is Thomas at our Harvest Party in 2009.  He wasn't "ours" yet!  Little did they all know!  I was watching!  ;)  See my watchful eye?  LOL!

At the end of that school year, I had completed my masters in TESOL (yes a masters going on at the same time. Rusty was in school too for his bachelors degree!), and the position for ESL in the district opened up.  I jumped on it and am blessed to have been chosen for the position.  It has enabled me to be home more with the precious babes!  It's been tighter financially, but I wouldn't change it for the world. 

Thomas went on to first grade in Mrs. Bailey's class, and looped with her into second grade.  He is so bright!  Children's minds are amazing!  He was working hard and catching up from ground zero to a benchmark kid!  I have Mrs. Bailey and our entire school staff to thank for that, as well as my and Rusty's parents who instilled in us a love of learning.  And the Gospel.  It directs us in every aspect of our lives.  We have many challenges with our boys, but if it weren't for Heavenly Father guiding us every day, we couldn't do justice for Thomas and Joshua.  They are precious children of God who were chosen for a tough road, and we are here to help them through it!

Here's our last Christmas without kids!  Little did WE know!

So I'm jumping ahead of myself!  In January 2011, we were on the path to adoption!  But from our experience with the State and DHS, we knew each step would take about thirty days.  There are court dates to set court dates.  :)  That's just how it goes.  Advice for anyone wanting to foster parent or adopt through the state: there ain't no rushing this stuff!  Be patient! 

"Be patient."  That's our motto!  Gotta always be patient because each day is different!

The day the deal was sealed: Thomas' adoption day!  It was so nice to have Grammie Ann there and our social workers.  Barry is taking the picture.  The judge is in the front, looking to the side.
Anyway, slowly but surely, with the help of fabulous case workers and our adoption worker, Barry, the adoption for Thomas was final in July, 2011!  On August 13, 2011, we were sealed as a family in the Medford, Oregon, temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Miracle after miracle has happened.  It was so beautiful to be in the sealing room with loved ones, friends and family, and to feel the Spirit as we took a step to be together forever as a family!  Eternity was tangible at that moment, and life took on a new meaning!  Thomas has a new last name, and we were permanently sealed to our son, who came in an amazing way.  One friend, Jennifer, said that when we started the adoption process, it was my pregnancy!  HA!  In a way, it was!

Somehow I don't have a picture of us at the temple on this computer!  What?  So here's a pic of us last fall at Kruse Farms getting pumpkins.  Love fall time!
Oh!  Here it is!  What a beautiful, special day!  Love you forever, Thomas!
This was a bittersweet day because the very next day, we moved Chris and Jenelle and family to Idaho.  :) :( It was so great to be together!  Look at Superman Carson!  Ha!

We knew Joshua's adoption process would also be slow and we were more nervous, having been through one and knowing the possibilities of it not working out right.  But once we adopted Thomas, we became "family" to Joshua in the eyes of the law, since they are half brothers and Thomas is our son.  After many more months of fasting and praying, and trying to keep our eyes on the goal, Joshua was adopted in July, 2012!  We were about to be sealed to him right away, but Thomas had a birthday and turned eight years old.  He would be allowed to watch the sealing in the temple, but since he turned eight, he needed to be baptized first to get a temple recommend.  We never thought of that!  He was finally baptized on August 26, 2012, (a wonderful day!) and just got the bishop's and stake president's signatures on his recommend late last night.  Thanks, Bishop Ritchie and President Vincent!  They work HARD!  So do their families.

So do you know where we are going tomorrow?  Did you say, "The Medford Temple"?  You are right!  We're going to the temple, and we're ... gonna get sealed!  Going to the temple, and we're ... gonna get see-ee-ee-uled!  (Hear the music?)

Please keep us in your prayers for this special moment.  Thank you, everyone for your support.  Our family is blessed and often times it is through our friends and family!